Iluminación mínima
Also known as light sensitivity, this is the smallest amount of light needed for the camera to produce an image of useable quality.
0,003 lx
Balance de blancos
Technique in photography and image processing, which involves a global adjustment of the intensities of the colors (typically red, green, and blue primary colors). An important goal of this adjustment is to render specific colors particularly neutral colors including white correctly.
Velocidad de obturador
Determines the length of time the shutter lets light pass through the lens to the CCD. Shutter speed and aperture together determine exposure.
1/50 - 1/90000 s
Sensor de la imagen
Tamaño del sensor óptico
Optical sensors are electronic detectors that convert light, or a change in light, into an electronic signal. They are used in many industrial and consumer applications e.g. lamps that turn on automatically in response to darkness. Optical sensors come in many sizes.
25,4 / 4 mm